Membership & Support

Membership in the Golden Gate Heights Neighborhood Association is open to anyone with an interest in the area. Dues are $10 per household per calendar year, and cover all household members over the age of 18, regardless of relationship.

In addition, GGHNA holds funds for several neighborhood initiatives, including the 16th/Moraga Tiled Steps project, the Golden Gate Heights Park Dog Waste Bag Fund, and the Golden Gate Heights Park Fountain Fund. See the links at the right for more information.

All online donations are processed securely through Square, and you can now combine membership dues and donations to GGHNA or our supported funds in one transaction! Click this button to join, renew, and/or make a contribution today!

Button to Join Renew or Donate

If you prefer to pay by check, click the button below to open a downloadable, printable membership form:

link to printable membership form

Print out and mail it to us at:

PO Box 27608
San Francisco, CA 94127-0608


Donation Acknowledgments

GGHNA sends email acknowledgments for tax purposes for any donations of $75 or more. Your cancelled check or PayPal receipt is sufficient substantiation for dues and donations below $75; however, if you require a receipt for a donation below $75, or if you prefer to have a written letter sent to you in the mail, you may request one by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

With rare exception, acknowledgment letters are sent in January of the following calendar year.

Thank you for understanding, and for supporting GGHNA.